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ameo45 Ameo45    
( 6 acceso desde 09-07-2009 )
Artes marciales y enérgico orléanais curso: taichi chuan o tai ji quan, qi gong, el chino del boxeo, y la autodefensa para hombres y mujeres, jóvenes y ancianos, suave corriente sordos y la discapacidad de prueba gratis el bienestar, la salud, la eficienc
http://www.ameo45.com  fr  

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Carla escribió 30-09-2014 :
But actualy there's<a href="http://uilolvfxjiq.com"> nniothg</a> to presupose, just because are your sensorial inputs who construct basicaly your (direct) experience, and your own living, feeling, thinking, and languaging Being )) The paradox of angels sex is renown just now in our 21th century, when science has found alreday the way of reconstructing herself, just as we see in that splendid blog and so many places today. But we feel still so many times the sensation of that the symplectic thought of phenomenology, after taken in autopoieis, thru neurophenomenology, by maturana and varela, and used so splendously by Margulis and Lovelock We all have all, could be the lema . We all have all science. The barrier between paranormal / extrasensorial / supernatural / superpowers and what actualy science have found and published in scientific papers, have already surpassed the quality control for the necessary test for being correctly aplied within our lifes today, and in that way, going out of this, not economic, but epistemological crisis, that has been alredy fortunately solved in thousands of scientific papers, from hundreds of disciplines or and subdisciplines, whose authors only reach to see a certain or and small part, or angle, of all the radical influences, for our present and future lifes, of all that 21th century scientific revolution that converges, so elegantly, in t throughout this formula: apocalipsis (optimistic, etymological meaning) = 1/ hiden curriculum, or, plus, invisible learning, or, plus, collective unconscious, common sense , commons' sense, all these trends converging in shamanism, as a anarcoepistemological revolution, feeding also in Una epistemologeda del Sur When we shall change, definitely, from parallel-lecture-classrooms , to talking 15M circle, we will re discover the new, o.o, in the old In that way the brains, mainly of teachers, would more and more thinking like a mountain, and left and right brains, connecting themselves, will re connect left and right bodies, a forgotten splendid example, or and model, living model, of what zoologists use to exige with strengh to their students Naturaly, we also are bilateraly simmetric, animals, Naturaly

Jennifer escribió 30-09-2014 :
If you'd like to try aerial yoga, first coanctt local studios to try out a class. To continue the practice at home, you can make your own hammock either with a ready-made yoga silk and appropriate hardware or with comparable fabric of equal strength. You need a sturdy, exposed I-beam to hang your hammock safely. Thanks a lot. http://rwjfecokh.com [url=http://ifgghcz.com]ifgghcz[/url] [link=http://ouugjcrc.com]ouugjcrc[/link]

Hussien escribió 28-09-2014 :
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Cosmin escribió 26-09-2014 :
Danke ffcr den Post! Kampfsport ist schon was feines, habe vor 3 Jahren damit begnnoen und mf6chte es nicht mehr missen. Andere que4len sich ewig im Fitnessstudio ab und ich habe meinen Spadf bei den Trainingsstunden. Es ist ein sehr gutes Ganzkf6rpertraining und steigert auch das Selbstbewusstsein (selbst wenn man nicht an Wettke4mpfen teilnimmt). Ich empfehle jedem es zumindest auszuprobieren!VA:F [1.9.20_1166]War diese Antwort hilfreich? Bitte bewerten Sie diese Antwort.please wait...

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