artes marciales > Artes marciales de Corea > Taekwondo
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Martial arts = conflict rouolstien. First action is to avoid conflict. This means avoid using martial arts unless you see no other way. A) Your life isn't worth any amount of money you're carrying and neither is the other person's. B) A kick or ridge hand to the temple to someone that is untrained can be fatal. Marine corps martial arts. MMA or Tae Kwon Do to get you in shape and balance just aim for the knee and collapse the leg. Wrestling or grappling such as Gracie Jujitsu is another option. 90% of all fights end up on the ground fancy kicks and punches don't do as much as a good choke hold or a thumb to the adams apple so find a martial arts that combines long, short and close combat styles. Kung Fu styles are a good blend.
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